Sleep disorders (about 250 different forms are known in medicine) can have very diverse, sometimes unusual causes. Approximately 10 to 15% of all sleep disorders in Germany have a pathological background, such as the "apnea syndrome" (breathing cessation syndrome) or hormonal disorders.
To find a solution, we rely on holistic diagnostics – and take a lot of time for our patients. This is because a calm, very specific and detailed questioning (anamnesis) can clarify exactly whether a pathological sleep disorder is present and whether examinations such as a sleep measurement, hormonal laboratory determination or other measures are necessary in the further course.
The most common complaints of a sleep disorder
are daytime sleepiness, “microsleep” (the most frequent serious cause of accidents in road traffic), morning headache, reduced performance, increasingly decreasing resilience, memory and concentration disorders, irritability, sadness and depression, snoring with and without pauses in breathing, restless legs (“restless legs” syndrome), new unclear cardiac and circulatory disorders, but also increased blood pressure, cardiac rhythm disorders. Overweight, but also shift work, promote sleep disorders (apnea syndrome), especially from the age of 50.
I am qualified by the German Medical Association for your sleep medical consultation, as well as for the use of devices such as somnography. The billing authorization (GOÄ-Ärzte 1996), also for those entitled to subsidies, is available.
Finding the causes of sleep disorders: Investigations
- Detailed medical examination (structure of throat, pharynx, tongue, nasal ventilation, bite of teeth, temporomandibular joint, heart, lungs, abdominal organs and others).
- Outpatient sleep measurement (somnography), in special cases inpatient sleep measurement (polysomnography)
- Laboratory analysis of hormones (thyroid, sleep hormone melatonin, cortisol and DHEA as adrenal check, serotonin, testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and other hormones)
- Laboratory analysis of inflammation, immune disorder, anemia, whole blood analysis (mineral depot special analysis),
- Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland (e.g. autoimmune thyroiditis, etc.), ultrasound of the abdomen or heart for special questions
- Cardiovascular examination (blood pressure measurement, pulse oximetry with oxygen saturation, ECG, lung function test, arteriography)
- Bioimpedance measurement (determination of BMI with muscle, bone, fat components)
More about sleep medicine in the blog
Sleep medicine consultation has been a focus of mine for many years. For interesting articles on treatment options, check out my blog.
The procedure in our practice for sleep disorders
- You make an appointment in my private practice
- I will conduct a targeted, detailed interview with you (anamnesis, approx. 1 hour). Patients with statutory health insurance are welcome: an introductory and orienting consultation (30 min., 95,- €) is possible at any time.
Depending on the history and complaints, a:
- Screening (see more detailed explanation further below)
- If a pathological sleep disorder is suspected, I usually first perform a simple somnography (apparative sleep measurement without brain wave measurement) that can be carried out at home.
- The procedure of a somnography: After a short briefing, you will receive a small recording device, similar to a long-term ECG device. You put this on at home in the evening before sleep (easy handling). Sleep is not affected . In addition, the patient receives two standardized questionnaires, which are very important for the evaluation of the sleep measurement. Return the recorder the next morning for evaluation .
- If there is a measurable, pathological sleep disorder, the patient is sent to a specialist for a short-stay (one night) polysomnography (apparative sleep measurement in the sleep laboratory) within the framework of my medical cooperation network. We will receive an appointment in a short time.
- Additional “ENT screening” is essential in some cases (e.g. special nose, tongue, throat examination). This can only be done in collaboration with a specialist ENT colleague trained in sleep medicine. A appointment is possible at short notice .
- Additional tests such as hormone determinations (see also of cortisol, melatonin, serotonin-5-HTP, progesterone, estradiol, DHEA, testosterone, TSH – thyroid may be necessary and helpful in individual cases.
Additional modules to support the success of treatment:
- Special “sleep consulting”: 24h day & night biorhythms (How to change ingrained and wrong rhythms)
- Stress Management
- Nutritional counseling (biorhythm, constitutional type)
- Consulting social environment (job, family, friends, hobbies)