My work focuses on the combination of university and naturopathic medicine. This includes a broad perspective with the inclusion of careful, balanced diagnostics that detect imbalances and incipient disease before the onset of an illness. I firmly believe that the synergy of conventional medicine and naturopathy provides a holistic and thus the best possible medicine for each of my patients.

Specialist in general medicine and naturopathy,
Diabetologist DDG
Certified Mindfulness Trainer
Integration of this qualification into the holistic methods such as the classical natural healing methods, traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, reflexology, bioresonance therapy, music and sound therapy, mindfulness training, coaching and others.
Our checkup offers for you:

The holistic checkup
In-depth holistic body examination (including interference fields – constitution type – reflex zones, etc.). Additional in-depth skin check.
For men, additional urologic screening examination (Dr. Strauven: 4 1/2 years of urologic hospital training).

Stress hormone check-up
Irritated, exhausted, burnt out: is burn-out imminent? With special checks, stress hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, DHEA, serotonin can be determined and treated correctly, i.e. holistically!

Menopause Checkup - for men and women

Gastrointestinal checkup
Medically sound strategies for a symptom-free stomach, intestinal tract!

Thyroid checkup
The thyroid gland decisively regulates heart, circulation, temperature, growth, sleep, digestion, performance. Laboratory tests provide information about functionality and important support substances such as selenium, but also trace elements such as zinc.
My concept of the three pillars
Working out or supporting my strengths, my talents. Develop strategies to avoid making the same mistakes over and over again. Communication and social environment: how can I find strength and recovery here.
Musculature, posture, spinal stabilization, foot support.
Physique: strengthening, support.
Which exercise, which sport makes sense for me?
Day, night biorhythmics, nutrition. Acid-base balance, metabolism. Strategies to improve circulation. Recommendations based on constitution type and digestive performance. Assessment of hormone status (performance, load, stress).
This is how the general checkup works in our practice
Detailed conversation about complaints, short personality profile (family – job – diet – sports – hobbies).
In-depth holistic body examination (including interference fields – constitution type – reflex zones, etc.). Additional in-depth skin check.
For men, additional urologic screening examination (Dr. Strauven: 4 1/2 years of urologic hospital training).
Scientifically proven current risk factors such as heart, circulation, fat, liver, gall bladder, kidney, thyroid, blood sugar metabolism, hormone status, sports whole blood examination (special mineral trace element examination), vitamin status (vitamin D, B12, folic acid, etc.), tumor markers, immune system, free radical determination, most modern urine examination NMPP22-Bladdercheck, lactate values
Special body tissue measurement (BMI) bioimpedance, novel vascular diagnostics carotid artery (QIMT), aortic blood pressure and elasticity measurement (arteriography), ultrasound with the new high-resolution “MYLAB-60 ESAOTE” device (thyroid-complete abdominal organs-heart), ECG, lung function testing, latest radiological technology (for example thoracic, abdominal, gehrin, vascular, cardiac CT/MRI, colonoscopy, MRI-mammography, PET-CT and other examinations), partly with my cooperation partners – Optional: Outpatient sleep measurement, long-term ECG or even long-term blood pressure measurement, etc.a.
Adoption with concept for your health maintenance (risk assessment cardiovascular, disease risk assessment, concept for nutrition, sports, profession, social environment, matching the personality profile.
In some cases, follow-up appointments are recommended if, for example, irritable bowel syndrome, food intolerances, allergies, gastric dysfunction, obesity, hormone imbalances, or newly discovered disorders are present that require further investigation.
The cost of the check-up
Private patients: Costs are generally covered by private health insurance companies. Individual special services (arteriography special vessel elasticity measurement, bioimpedance measurement body tissue analysis, special hormone, special gene tests) are not always covered. Prescriptions for homeopathics, natural remedies, vital substances are usually not covered. Therefore, a detailed oral and written explanation is given in advance.
Costs for any examinations with specialists in our network (if medically justified) will be covered. In some cases, employers also cover the cost of the examination.
General health insurance patients are welcome: here a telephone and personal contact is useful because of the costs, in order to fulfill individual wishes! A cost estimate will be carried out beforehand. The cost of a holistic health check-up is between 600,- and 980,- Euro depending on age. In some cases, employers also cover the cost of the examination.